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ESS Archive Time and Attendance
Archive Time and Attendance (TNA) entries is a feature to enhance performance of TNA processes. Clients have scenarios where the TNA times are neither submitted or edited. The archive feature automatically moves unapproved and invalid time to an "Archive" after the set number of days.

For example, if the Archive Record Day is set as 10. A user logs into ESS on 20/10/2016 as the current date. User generates the Timesheet from 01/10/2016 to 20/10/2016. All unapproved and invalid entries from 01/10/2016 to 10/10/2016 will have status as Archived.

Follow the steps below to setup automatic archive .

  1. Navigate to the Configuration menu under Administration.
  2. Search for Archive on the screen.
  3. Locate the flag - "TimesheetImport.ArchiveRecordsDays - Timesheet import staging data will be archived after this number of days". The Archived Records will be marked as "Automatic Archive"
  4. Locate the flag - "TimesheetImport.DeleteRecordsDays - Timesheet import staging data will be DELETED after this number of days". 
  5. Enable ESS Timesheet Import- Automatic Archive on the Processes menu under Administration. This process runs daily and moves TNA times accordingly.

Figure 1: Set Archive Days